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Ino Beauté

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Ino Beauté

$ 64.00

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Ino Beauté
Ino Beauté
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Ref No   1000029
$ 64.00
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Inovital Ino Beauté

Composed of natural prebiotic fibre, blend of botanical extracts, and blood orange, Inovital Ino Beauté is an exclusive formula that promotes the detoxification of the body by stimulating elimination, both digestive and urinary. It is specially made for weight loss, when taken in combination with balanced diet and regular physical activity.


Soluble Corn Fibre, is a natural prebiotic fiber (bifidogenic), which helps to promote the growth of beneficial bacteria while limiting the growth of less desirable bacteria. It contains more than 70% fibres which provide a sensation of fullness and play a role in weight control.

Elimreal® is a patented natural blend of botanical extracts which flushes toxins and waste from the body and transports nutrients to where they are needed. It helps to improve the renal elimination of water by increasing the number of daily urinations. Water transports waste products, efficiently removing them through urination. The detoxification is also very efficient with an immediate relief. Clinical studies were conducted and proven it helps to increase urination frequency and volume.Caraway seed extract (Carum carvi) is extremely theraputic for people who wish to lose weight. It improves the urination frequency as well as quantity of urination, therefore helps you to thoroughly clean the kidney, decrease fat and keep urinary tract from infections.

  • Meadowsweet flowering tops extract (Filipendula ulmaria) act as a diuretic to support urination. It is extremely useful in renal elimination of water to balance the bowels and urinary tract function.
  • Guarana seed extract (Paullinia cupana) is recognized as a stimulant, an anti-fatigue compound. With its high caffeine content, it may activate metabolism and diuresis effect.
  • Goldenrod aerial parts extract (Solidago cirgaureae) helps to facilitate the digestion and urinary elimination function. It enhances cell membrane permeability hence increasing water and sodium excretion.
  • Sweet fennel fruit extract (Foeniculum vulgare) aid healthy digestion, and treat bloating, gas, or cramps, and may also act as a diuretic. It significantly increases the urine output and renal excretion of sodium and potassium.
  • Dandelion leaf extract (Taraxacum officinale) is an herb traditionally used as a natural diuretic. It may help reduce water retention by improving urinary function and frequency.

Blood orange is an antioxidant-rich ingredient that has powerful beauty benefits. Blood oranges are a rich source of fiber, a nutrient that helps prevent constipation. Fiber might also decrease your risk of health problems such as heart disease and Type 2 diabetes. The fruit also supplies a healthy dose of vitamin C, which can help protect you from infection.


  • Eliminates excess water from body
  • Remove waste to avoid toxic retention
  • Slim waist and flatten belly effectively, build an ideal body shape
  • Inhibits fat absorption
  • Promotes metabolism to maintain a healthy weight
  • Promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut


Inovital Ino Beauté

Inovital Ino Beauté 由天然益生元纖維、植物提取物和血橙組成,是一種獨特的配方,通過刺激消化和泌尿系統的排泄來促進身體排毒。它是專為減肥而設計的,與均衡飲食和定期體育鍛煉相結合。


可溶性玉米纖維,是一種天然益生元纖維(雙歧桿菌),有助於促進有益細菌的生長,同時限制不太理想的細菌的生長。它含有超過 70% 的纖維,可提供飽腹感並起到控制體重的作用。

Elimreal® 是一種獲得專利的天然植物提取物混合物,可清除體內毒素和廢物,並將營養物質輸送到需要的地方。它有助於通過增加每日排尿次數來改善腎臟對水分的清除。水運輸廢物,通過排尿有效地去除它們。排毒也非常有效,立即緩解。進行了臨床研究並證明它有助於增加排尿頻率和排尿量。葛縷子籽提取物(Carum carvi)對希望減肥的人具有極強的治療作用。它可以提高排尿頻率和排尿量,從而幫助您徹底清潔腎臟,減少脂肪並防止尿路感染。

  • 繡線菊花頂提取物 (Filipendula ulmaria) 作為利尿劑支持排尿。它在腎臟排除水分以平衡腸道和泌尿道功能方面非常有用。
  • 瓜拉那種子提取物(Paullinia cupana)被認為是一種興奮劑,一種抗疲勞化合物。其咖啡因含量高,可激活新陳代謝和利尿作用。
  • 黃花地上部分提取物(Solidago cirgaureae)有助於促進消化和排尿功能。它增強細胞膜通透性,從而增加水和鈉的排泄。
  • 甜茴香果實提取物(Foeniculum vulgare)有助於健康的消化,治療腹脹、脹氣或痙攣,還可以作為利尿劑。它顯著增加尿量和鈉和鉀的腎臟排泄。
  • 蒲公英葉提取物(蒲公英)是一種傳統上用作天然利尿劑的草藥。它可以通過改善排尿功能和頻率來幫助減少水瀦留。

血橙是一種富含抗氧化劑的成分,具有強大的美容功效。血橙富含纖維,這是一種有助於預防便秘的營養素。纖維還可以降低您患心髒病和 2 型糖尿病等健康問題的風險。這種水果還提供健康劑量的維生素 C,有助於保護您免受感染。


  • 排除體內多餘的水分
  • 清除廢物以避免有毒物質滯留
  • 有效瘦腰平腹,塑造理想體型
  • 抑制脂肪吸收
  • 促進新陳代謝以保持健康的體重
  • 促進腸道中有益細菌的生長
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  2. The Company will deliver by seven (7) business days upon the order confirmation.
  3. Delivery service will be provided from Mondays to Fridays. No delivery service on weekends and public holidays.
  4. The Company shall not be held liable for any defaults or any other discrepancies upon receipt of the products.
  5. An admin fee will be charged for failed delivery due to wrong address provided by distributors. 
  6. The Company shall not be liable for any losses, damages or expenses sustained by the Distributor or any other person as a result of any delays in delivery, if the delay is at the Distributor's request, or owing to the Distributor's refusal or inability to take delivery of the product, or of causes beyond the control of the Company.
  7. The Company will not be responsible for any delay due to:
    • customs and/or duty regulations and procedures;
    • extended public holidays in different destination zone.
  8. Distributor prices are inclusive of delivery charges.
  9. The Company will not assume responsibility for the ordered goods meeting the local customs laws and/or duties and taxes. If the product(s) is rejected by the customs due to Distributor/ Refusal to pay customs tax and/or duties and is subsequently returned to the Company, a shipping and handling fee of 10% (of the total net purchase) will be charged to the Distributor's credit card.